The 25hours Hotel Frankfurt The Goldman is located on Hanauer Landstraße in Frankfurt’s creative east end.
The 25hours Hotel The Goldman is located on Hanauer Landstraße, the hub of Frankfurt‘s creative east end. The colourful rooms are as diverse as the district itself and tell the stories of local and international patrons. In the Goldman restaurant, a relaxed atmosphere with a maritime feel meets highquality regional products and creative ideas, which always hit the right spot.
25hours Hotel Company GmbH
Singarpurstraße 1
20457 Hamburg
Tel +49 40 22 616 24 10
Hamburg, HRB 114012
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 272950326
Verantwortlich nach §10 Absatz 3 MDStv: Michael End, Steffen Fox und Christoph Hoffmann
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