
A. Schweickhardt GmbH u. Co. KG - SCHWERT Instruments Kontakt Informationen


SCHWERT Instruments - Made in Germany since 1896


Schweickhardt’s customers can always trust that their requests will be taken care of. The customer and his request for high-quality instrumentation are the driving force and motivation for our daily work.

In 2010 the production site was relocated from Tuttlingen to Seitingen-Oberflacht where the entire production process could be optimized and restructured efficiently on one level.

Based on a rich experience portfolio of the staff members, some of whom are working in the company for decades, accompanied by permanent further training in all production techniques and continuous modernization of the production plant, as well as the apprenticeship and advanced training of young and motivated employees, the quality of SCHWERT instruments is pushed uncompromisingly.

SCHWERT partners are estimating the fast and straightforward realization of development requests. Starting with 3D construction, provision of samples, as well as discretion when OEM projects are concerned.

SCHWERT instruments are distributed world-wide by qualified specialized trade partners.

"Hersteller zahnärztlicher und chirurgischer Instrumente"
Adresse: Tuttlingerstr. 12, 78606 Seitingen-Oberflacht
Telefonnummer: +49 7464 98910-700
Stadt: Seitingen-Oberflacht
Postleitzahl: 78606


Montag: 08:00 - 12:00

leider keine Einhaltung von Lieferterminen- noch Information an Kunde. Leider wird man von der Firma förmlich im Regen stehen gelassen. Nach direkter Rücksprache mit Schwertdental wurde die Probleme gelöst. Einfach nicht über einen Schweizer Dentaldepot verhandeln.
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