
ABBA Intermezzo International Fan Club Kontakt Informationen

ABBA Intermezzo International Fan Club


International ABBA Fan Club based in Melle, Germany celebrating 25 years of service to the ABBA fan community. New members welcome!


The first ABBA Intermezzo Fan Club Magazine, No. 1, was published in February 1990. Each ABBA issue prints in A4 size, contains 36 colour pages filled with ABBA and is sent to many hundreds of fans all over the world! The magazine has been printed on glossy paper in full colour since issue No. 49.Starting with No. 53, each issue has come with a colour poster featuring an often previously-unpublished photo in 30 x 60 cm (A3) size. You can find a listing of contents in each issue under the "Back Issues" section on our website.

ABBA Intermezzo features all the latest Agnetha, Anni-Frid, Benny and Björn news and photos. We are proud to feature exclusive interviews with and personal greetings from the members of ABBA from time to time, as well as interviews with people who worked with ABBA throughout the group's successful career. In our competitions, included in each issue, we give away exclusive prizes such as original autographs, new CDs and DVDs as well as tickets to musical premieres or events, often attended by an ABBA member.

Regular features include "News Extra" (containing the latest reports on new releases, musical premieres, TV appearances and more), comprehensive discography features, articles about ABBA memorabilia, readers' letters and fan stories, as well as pen pal/swap and search ads. Our special features often include in-depth looks at a particular aspect of ABBA's career, such as the group's history in a particular country (Spain, Greece, Japan) as well as other interesting and unique topics. Member "extras" are often sent out with our issues such as postcards, stickers, cards and other fun items.

The ABBA Intermezzo Fan Club magazines are published in English. German-speaking members can order a translation together with their subscription. New members receive a membership card and a sticker.

Many of our members actively help us with the magazine by writing their own articles and submitting their photos for publication. All kinds of ideas for future issues are welcome! The more members and ideas we have, the better ABBA Intermezzo will be.

Adresse: Postfach 81, 49302 Melle
Stadt: Melle
Postleitzahl: 49302

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