
Abensberg Kontakt Informationen


Abensberg is a town in the Lower Bavarian district of Kelheim, in Bavaria, Germany, lying around 30 km southwest of Regensburg, 40 km east of Ingolstadt, 50 northwest of Landshut and 100 km north of Munich. It is situated on the Abens river, a tributary of the Danube.GeographyThe town lies on the Abens river, a tributary of the Danube, around eight kilometres from the river's source. The area around Abensberg is characterized by the narrow valley of the Danube, where the Weltenburg Abbey stands, the valley of the Altmühl in the north, a left tributary of the Danube, and the famous Hallertau hops-planting region in the south. The town is divided into the municipalities of Abensberg, Arnhofen, Holzharlanden, Hörlbach, Offenstetten, Pullach and Sandharland.DivisionsSince the administrative reforms in Bavaria in the 1970s, the town also encompasses the following Ortsteile: In the town: Abensberg (main settlement), Aunkofen (civil parish), Badhaus (village) To the east: Gaden (village), See (village), Offenstetten (civil parish) To the north east: Arnhofen (civil parish), Baiern (village), Pullach (civil parish), Kleedorf (village) To the north: Sandharlanden (civil parish), Holzharlanden (civil parish), Buchhof (small hamlet) To the west: Schwaighausen (village), Schillhof (hamlet), Gilla (small hamlet) To the south: Aumühle (small hamlet), Allersdorf (hamlet) To the south east: Lehen (small hamlet), Mitterhörlbach (hamlet), Upper Hörlbach (village), Lower Hörlbach (hamlet)

Adresse: 93326 Abensberg
Stadt: Abensberg
Postleitzahl: 93326

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