Opening Africa to the World !
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Integration, Networking, Empowerment, Mentoring & Building bridges for Community Development
African Ivory is an initiative that promotes integration of Africans through showcasing the various cultures of Africa. It is the belief of African Ivory that a successful integration can only come about when immigrants are firstly able to appreciate the values and cultural identity of their native countries. Culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society” is that which gives every individual his identity. Therefore, if one is not at home with one’s own culture, one will not be in the disposition to identify with any “foreign” culture. Any acceptance of the culture of a host country will automatically presume the appreciation of the culture of the native country.
African and integration:
Problems and Solution
The first step towards helping Africans achieving integration into their host country is the presentation of the values and cultures of the continent of Africa to the Africans and indeed the citizens of the host country. This will help the parties in two different ways. First, it will help the African understand that the expectations of his host country are already imbedded in his native culture. In this way, the African will no longer see these expectations as strange but rather as what is normal and conform to the general norm of every society. When the African has seen these similarities, it will help in removing the normal feeling of estrangement that blocks away every attempt of the host country to integration. On the other hand, the presentation of the cultural values of Africa will help the host country understand more clearly the difficulties which every African faces when he arrives the country. This will be a great help in any program for integration of the African.
In order to achieve this aim, African Ivory offers Forums to educate Africans on the various issues of African cultures, social welfare, child care, General Health, Aid for Immigrants in collaboration with other organizations etc.
An Alternative when integration fails.
The yearning for ones root is not always easy to overcome. This leaves some vacuum in every human whenever it takes a deep root. It also hinders one from feeling at home in his host environment. This is unfortunately the reality with many Africans. Another fact that complicates this sad fact is that the African does not know what opportunities he can fall back if he returns to his native country. He is then caught in the middle. He feels a stranger in host country without any interest to integrate. At the same time he feels lost and caught in a web. It is the desire of African Ivory to help the African in this regard through the presentation of the various business opportunities on the continent. This will provide an alternative solution to those who do no longer feel accepted or estranged in their host country to think about availing themselves of these opportunities and therefore have the courage to go back to their native countries. It also offers help in establishing contacts between foreign investors with interest in business opportunities in the continent.
Aspects of African Ivory
African Ivory offers services under following aspects
a. African Cuisine
b. Party Service
c. Events Organization
d. Forums
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