
AGM-Urania Kontakt Informationen



Welcome to AGM-Urania - welcome to the world of Tarot, Oracle and Inspiration!
Impressum: http://www.tarotworld.com/sitenotice.html


Impressum: http://www.tarotworld.com/sitenotice.html

In this "Magical Year 2013" the Tarot and the oracles are proving to be valuable tools of change. When you travel to an unknown city, you need a map or a navigation device.
Similarly, when you encounter new spiritual spaces on your journey in life, or you are exploring new decisions or intellectual horizons, then the symbolic languages of the oracles and the Tarot can serve as signposts or maps for the heart and mind.

Adresse: Königsfurt 6, 24796 Krummwisch
Stadt: Krummwisch
Postleitzahl: 24796

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