
Aitrang Kontakt Informationen


Aitrang is a municipality in the district of Ostallgäu in Bavaria in Germany.GeographyAitrang lies in the south Bavarian Region Allgäu. It encompasses districts of: Aitrang, Huttenwang, Wenglingen. Administrative responsibility also extends to the outlying villages of Binnings, Goerwangs, Krähberg, Neuenried, Wolfholz, Münzenried and Umwangs as well as several Farms. The district also covers the Eibsee (lake).HistoryEarliest written record of Aitrang can be found in the records of the King of the Franken Pepin the Short (741-768) where the village is mentioned. The village was considered the property of the Reichsvogtei (Abbot's Residence) and St. Mang's Abbey, Füssen, and from 1227 was signed over and charged to the Lower Court Authority. The Reichsvogtei had been confiscated many times due to debts, and finally was sold in 1524 to the Fürststift Kempten. For a time leading up to the year 1803 the rights over the village were divided between the Town of Kempten (to the west) and Abby of St. Mang in Füssen to the south. In 1803 the village was finally assigned to the Duke (Fürsten|Fürst) of Oettingen-Wallerstein. In 1806 a further change took place when the region was succeeded as part of the Rheinbundakte to the state of Bavaria. As part of the reform of Bavarian Administration in 1818 the village took on the legal form which prevailed through to 1978 when the sub-districts of Huttenwang, Hamlet of Neuenried, Umwangs and Wolfholz were merged into Aitrang. In 1982 the Hamlet of Wenglingen (previously part of Apfeltrang near Kaufbeuren) was adopted after a local referendum.

Adresse: 87648 Aitrang
Stadt: Aitrang
Postleitzahl: 87648

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