AKA is a hybrid arts space and on-going international collaborative project. AKA Berlin houses a gallery space as well as a tattoo and piercing studio.
AKA has regular guest tattooers, their portfolios are available to view here. To make an appointment it is best to contact them directly. For appointments or general enquiries you can email ichliebeaka@gmail.com. Please include as much information about your project as possible. TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT
To book a tattoo or piercing appointment you need to send an email to ichliebeaka@gmail.com.
Please tell us what you would like to have tattooed, in what style, and the placement on your body. As our artists book and manage their own appointments, we need to determine who the correct artist is for your project, so please include as much information as you can. Please also send any reference images you may have.
If you already know which artist you want to be tattooed by, we ask you to contact them directly. All guest tattooers also book their own appointments. You are also welcome to telephone to discuss your ideas, or you can come to the studio.
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