
Albersweiler Kontakt Informationen


Albersweiler is a municipality in the Südliche Weinstraße ("Southern Wine Road") district, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It is part of the Verbandsgemeinde Annweiler am Trifels.HistoryMiddle AgesThe village was first mentioned in 1065. Samuel, abbot of the Weissenburg Monastery in Alsace endowed the altars of the Redeemer and the Mother of God; one was in Adelbresddeswilare of Albratheswilre. In 985, Duke Otto I took possession of Albersweiler and 67 other locations from the Weissenburgers, as a part of the "Salian Church Robbery." By 1219, the hamlet was controlled by Annweiler. by 1274, the town of Landau had taken control, and was using Albersweiler as a quarry.By the fifteenth century, Albersweiler had been divided between two different lords, and the main street of the village formed a state border: the southern section became a part of the Duchy of Pfalz-Zweibrücken, and the northern part belonged to Geschlecht von Scharfenberg.Early ModernDuring the Reformation, the boundary also became denominational: the northern part of Albersweiler was Roman Catholic, and the southern part Protestant. During the Thirty Years War, Catholic troops burned down the Protestant south in 1622. Twelve years later, Protestant Swedes destroyed the northern part of the town, controlled by a Catholic branch of the Löwenstein-Scharfeneck family.

Adresse: 76857 Albersweiler
Stadt: Albersweiler
Postleitzahl: 76857

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