
Alheim Kontakt Informationen



Alheim is a community in Hersfeld-Rotenburg district in northeastern Hesse, Germany. It is named after nearby Alheimer Mountain. Alheim consist of 10 former souverain villages situated on both banks of the river Fulda.GeographyLocationThe community lies in Hersfeld-Rotenburg district some 35 km southeast of Kassel and a few kilometres northwest of Rotenburg an der Fulda. It stretches along both banks of the Fulda into the Knüllgebirge (range) and the Stölzinger Gebirge. In this latter range is found the community’s landmark, the 549 m-high Alheimer.Constituent communitiesAlheim’s Ortsteile are Baumbach (founded bevor 1003), Erdpenhausen, Hergershausen, Licherode, Niederellenbach, Niedergude (founded bevor 960), Oberellenbach, Obergude (founded bevor 960), Sterkelshausen (founded bevor 1003) and Heinebach.The population is some 5,300, of whom more than 2,500 live in Heinebach, the biggest of the ten constituent communities and Alheim’s economic hub.Neighbouring communitiesAlheim borders in the north on the community of Morschen and the town of Spangenberg (both in the Schwalm-Eder-Kreis), in the east on the town of Rotenburg an der Fulda, in the south on the community of Ludwigsau (both in Hersfeld-Rotenburg) and in the west on the community of Knüllwald (in the Schwalm-Eder-Kreis).

Adresse: 36211 Alheim
Stadt: Alheim
Postleitzahl: 36211

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