
Allmendingen Kontakt Informationen


Allmendingen is a municipality in the Alb-Donau district, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.GeographyAllmendingen is located on the Schmiech in an originally from the Danube eroded valley that separates the from the rest of the Swabian Jura. The highest point on the Lutheran mountains (Ennahofen) is 750 meters above sea level. NN.Neighboring communitiesThe municipality is bordered to the north to Schelklingen, in the east to Altheim, in the south and west to Ehingen (Donau).Municipality arrangementThe municipality Allmendingen consists of the locations Allmendingen ), Ennahofen, Grötzingen, Niederhofen and Weilersteußlingen .HistoryEarliest evidence of human habitation is the discovery of a brick kiln dating back to the Roman occupation in the district Niederhofen.Population DevelopmentThere are numbers of inhabitants after the respective area of jurisdiction. The figures are census results (¹) or official updates of the Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg.PoliticsThe council Allmendingen has after the last elections 20 members. The local elections on 25 May 2014 led to the following official results. The turnout was 58.5%. The council consists of the elected honorary councilors and the mayor as chairman. The mayor is entitled to vote in the municipal council. Party Seats CDU 49.7%=10 seats Free voters 50.3%=10 seats

Adresse: Allmendingen
Stadt: Allmendingen

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