
Altshausen Kontakt Informationen


Altshausen is a small Swabian municipality (c. 4,700 inhabitants) near Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, southern Germany.GeographyAltshausen is situated in Upper Swabia, about 40 kilometers north of Lake Constance. North-west of the village is the Upper Danube Nature Park while to the South-west is the hill-chain of the Altdorfer Wald.Main sightsIt is notable for its Teutonic Order castle and as the birthplace of Hermann of Reichenau. In the center of the town there is the Altshausen Schloss, which is the main palace still owned by the House of Wurttemberg.SightseeingAltshausen is part of the Upper Swabian Baroque Route, a tourist road from the Swabian Alps to Upper Swabia. On both routes the tourists can visit many monuments and points of view.Sister cities Bicske, Hungary Sausset-les-Pins, France (a city near Marseille)

Adresse: 88361 Altshausen
Stadt: Altshausen
Postleitzahl: 88361

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