AMAZONE H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG (also known as:Amazone) is a German manufacturer of Agricultural machinery and municipal machinery. The headquarters and main plant of the company was founded in 1883 by Heinrich Dreyer and is located in Hasbergen-Gaste near Osnabrück.Currently, Amazone produces a wide range of products including Fertilizer Spreaders, Sprayers, Seed drills, Tillage machinery and more. The logo is an Amazon woman riding a horse. Agricultural machinery uses an orange logo and the machinery is green and orange. The municipal machinery uses a green logo and the machinery is tan with green.History of the NameHeinrich Dreyer wanted to give a name to his most successful machine. He asked a friend, a teacher in Gaste, what he thought. The friend told Heinrich that his machine was beautiful and very strong on the market. These two attributes of beauty and strength reminded him of an Amazon. This is a heroine in Greek mythology confident, very strong and beautiful.
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