
Amorbach Kontakt Informationen


Amorbach is a town in the Miltenberg district in the Regierungsbezirk of Lower Franconia (Unterfranken) in Bavaria, Germany, with some 4,000 inhabitants. It is situated on the small river Mud, in the northeastern part of the Odenwald.HistoryThe town began as a Benedictine monastery (Amorbach Abbey or Kloster Amorbach), which bit by bit grew into a settlement until in 1253 it was raised to the status of a town. Over the years, the town changed hands several times. It was part of the Bishopric of Würzburg until 1656, when it became part of the Archbishopric of Mainz. As a result of the 1803 German Mediatisation the Archbishopric of Mainz was secularized, and Amorbach became the residence town of the short-lived Principality of Leiningen. Only in 1816 did it become part of the Kingdom of Bavaria. In 1965, Amorbach attained the status of climatic spa (Luftkurort).AmalgamationsThe following settlements have been amalgamated with the town: 1 April 1973: Boxbrunn 1 January 1975: Beuchen 1 January 1976: Neudorf 1 January 1976: Reichartshausen

Adresse: 63916 Amorbach
Stadt: Amorbach
Postleitzahl: 63916

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