
Awakening Europe Kontakt Informationen

Awakening Europe


As a ministry we put on festivals across the nations of the earth that are designed for people to meet Jesus. We exist to facilitate change in the heart of man through prayer and worship meetings, outreach into cities, and casting vision for the future. We desire to see a more free world, safer for all people, and full of love and peace where God’s presence and joy is evident in daily life. We believe that more of God in a nation will create cultural change for the better.

We are an equipping and releasing ministry that works to impart our heart and pass the fire onto others, that they may live boldly for Jesus and transform nations.

Finally but certainly not least, our main goal is to win people to Jesus. We want to fulfill the Great Commission by preaching the gospel and demonstrating God’s goodness and power. We believe that being a witness should not just be left for the evangelists, but that every Christian should represent Jesus wherever they are as a lifestyle.

Adresse: Lörrach
Stadt: Lörrach

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