
Bad Saulgau Kontakt Informationen


Bad Saulgau is a town in the district of Sigmaringen, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated 23 km east of Sigmaringen, and 27 km north of Ravensburg between the Danube and Lake Constance.The location was already a Celtic settlement and owes its name to the spring goddess Sulis. The first historical reference to the settlement dates back to 819. In 1239, the town was acknowledged by Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor. It became a possession of the House of Habsburg in 1299, and thus part of the Holy Roman Empire.In Napoleonic times, it was given to the Kingdom of Württemberg. During World War II, a subcamp of the Dachau concentration camp was located in the town. The name of the town was officially changed in 2000 from Saulgau to Bad Saulgau.EducationToin Gakuen Schule Deutschland, a Japanese international boarding school serving secondary school, was previously in Bad Saulgau. The school was scheduled to close in 2012.Famous People Joseph Ruf, conscientious objector, victim of the Nazi regime Kurt Seidel, historian Franz Michelberger, football player Günther-Martin Pauli, politician, member of the Landtag of Baden-Württemberg Michael Bulander, mayor of Mössingen Martin Rosemann, politician, Bundestag deputy Stefan Buck, football player Fabian Gerster, football player Tatjana Maria born Malek, tennis player Isabelle Harle, swimmer and multiple German champion, world and European champion

Adresse: Bad Saulgau
Stadt: Saulgau

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