
Bad Staffelstein Kontakt Informationen


Bad Staffelstein is a small town in the Bavarian Administrative Region of Upper Franconia in Germany. It is known for the beautiful landscape that surrounds it, which has been given the name "Gottesgarten am Obermain" (Eden on the Upper Main). It contains many landmarks, such as the Basilica of the Vierzehnheiligen designed by Balthasar Neumann, the former monastery of Banz Abbey, now Banz Castle, and the 540 meter high Staffelberg. Most recently, it has been the thermal salt water spa, for which the town received the title "Bad" in 2001, that has made Staffelstein a tourist attraction.Bad Staffelstein Basilica:,Municipal ArrangementBad Staffelstein consists of the following boroughs:HistoryStaffelstein was first mentioned around 800 and received its town status in 1130.In 1846, with the construction of the Ludwig South-North Railway, the town was connected to the Bavarian rail network.BoroughsKaiderKaider is known for its stone industry, as well as for St. Mary's Chapel, which - prominently situated on a hill - can be easily seen from the state highway that runs from Bad Staffelstein to Wattendorf and skirts the borough.Kaider was earlier known as Dabermannsdorf; the change to the name Kaider has been proven to have taken place no later than 1542.Kaider was first mentioned on 12 December 1299. On that day, Albert von Giech, knight of Bamberg, sold with the agreement of his wife Elisabeth and his brother Kunimund, a canon of Bamberg Cathedral, all of his lands in Nuweseze (Neuses am Main), Obristfeld, and Dabermannsdorf (now Kaider) to Langheim Abbey. The selling price was 126 Pfund Bamberg Denars.

Adresse: Bad Staffelstein
Stadt: Staffelstein

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