
bel - Besser Englisch Lernen Kontakt Informationen


Englisch für Senioren
Englisch für Kinder
Unterrichtsideen & Austausch


bel is an independent publishing house specialising in English as a Second Language (ESL) educational products for both children and senior citizens.

bel came to life through the teaching of ESL, where the majority of the market taught using teacher led techniques, bel realised early on that a different approach was needed. One that was instead student led. Following this all published material has been developed through 15 years of actual hands on classroom teaching and, experience.

The ‘Chris the Grasshopper’ series for children, was developed with the teacher in mind; as it is reasonably priced, freely available with no need to join a franchise, containing extra ideas for the teacher and, seminars to provide support and advice, and with the child in mind; promoting languages through a fun, playful and engaging approach that asks no more than the child wants to give.

The ‘Autumn Years’ series for senior citizens, was similarly developed to provide support and additional help for the teacher, but especially with the senior citizen in mind, offering a playful approach to a new language that doesn’t bog down the student in unnecessary grammar or tests, instead the focus lies in those practical words and situations that will be needed.

What separates bel from the rest of the market is the personal, student led approach encompassed in all the teaching materials bel publishes, specialising in a playful and engaging learning style through the use of games, props and visual aids; offering additional support to teachers using their products through seminars and online.

"Englischkurse für Senioren, Kinderkurse, Business Englisch, Einzelkurse"
Adresse: Echterdinger Str. 53, 70794 Filderstadt
Telefonnummer: 0711-3270977
Stadt: Filderstadt
Postleitzahl: 70794

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