The Berlin School of Economics and Law is a leading German business school founded on 1 April 2009 through the merger of the Berlin School of Economics and the FHVR Berlin. The BSEL portfolio provides a wide range of professional qualifications. BSEL is specialised in business and administration for the public and private sector, as well as public security, the law and engineering. The majority of programmes lead to a bachelor's or master's degree. BSEL has an international approach with close working relationship with over 150 partner universities all over the world and has a very strict and selective admission policy.The school offers a 5-year dual degree with France's ESCE Business School, enabling selected bilingual students to have the "Master in Management" from ESCE and the Master of Arts from HWR Berlin. This program is supported by The Franco-German University .AccreditationsBSEL is AMBA accredited and member of the EFMD, AACSB as well as the UAS7 Alliance for Excellence, a strategic alliance of seven leading German universities committed to excellence in teaching and research.The BSEL Campus LocationsThe Berlin School of Economics and Law has two campuses. The main campus is located in Berlin-Schöneberg and is home to the University administration, the Faculty of Business and Economics and the IMB Institute of Management Berlin. The campus with the Faculty of Company-Linked Programmes, Faculty of Administration and Law, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Police Training and Management and the Institute for Distance Learning is part of the educational complex in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Since 2010, BSEL also has an experimental virtual campus in the 3D virtual world of Second Life, established and supervised by BSEL's Head of E-Learning, Marcus Birkenkrahe.
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