
Biblis Kontakt Informationen


Biblis is a community in the Bergstraße district in southern Hessen, Germany.GeographyLocationThe community lies in the Rhine rift west of the Odenwald between Darmstadt to the north and Mannheim to the south; it also lies north of Bürstadt. Biblis lies directly north of the lower reaches of the Weschnitz, which empties into the Rhine only a few kilometres northwest of the community.Neighbouring communitiesBiblis borders in the north on the communities of Groß-Rohrheim and Gernsheim, in the east on the community of Einhausen, in the south on the towns of Bürstadt and Lampertheim and in the west on the district-free city of Worms (Rhineland-Palatinate).Constituent communitiesBiblis’s three Ortsteile are Biblis, Nordheim and Wattenheim.

Adresse: 68647 Biblis
Stadt: Biblis
Postleitzahl: 68647

Kommentar zu diesem Ort

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