
Blaubeuren Kontakt Informationen


Blaubeuren is a town in the district of Alb-Donau near Ulm in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.As of December, 2007 it had 11,963 inhabitants.GeographyGeographical locationThe core city Blaubeuren lies at the foot of the Swabian Jura, 16 km west of Ulm.Neighboring communitiesThe city is borders to the north to Suppingen and Berghülen, on the east to Blaustein, in the south to Ulm and Erbach and in the west to Schelklingen and Heroldstatt.ConstituentThe city Blaubeuren consists of the districts Blaubeuren, Gerhausen, Altental, Asch, Beiningen, Pappelau, Beimerstetten, Sotzenhausen, Seißen, Wennenden, Sonderbuch and Weiler with the core city Blaubeuren and 18 other villages, hamlets, farms and houses.CastlesWithin the town borough are the ruins of a number of castles: Ruck Castle and Blauenstein Castle, Hohengerhausen Castle (in Gerhausen), Günzelburg Castle and Burkartsweiler (both in Seißen), Sirgenstein Castle (in Weiler), and Gleißenburg Castle (in Beiningen).Coat of armsThe coat of arms for the town shows the so-called Blaumännle, a small man dressed in blue on a gold background.Economy and InfrastructureCompaniesThe Merckle group is headquartered in Blaubeuren. Also in Blaubeuren is the headquarter of Centrotherm Photovoltaics.

Adresse: 89143 Blaubeuren
Stadt: Blaubeuren
Postleitzahl: 89143

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