
Blaustein Kontakt Informationen


Blaustein is a town in the district of Alb-Donau Baden-Württemberg in Germany. It is situated on the Blau River, 6 km west of Ulm and has about 15,000 inhabitants.It was created in 1968 after the union of Ehrenstein and Klingenstein. During the 1970s, the municipalities of Arnegg, Bermaringen, Dietingen, Herrlingen, Lautern, Markbronn, Weidach and Wippingen became part of the new municipality of Blaustein. Herrlingen was the home of Anna Essinger's boarding school, Landschulheim Herrlingen, founded in 1926. In 1933, with the rise of Nazism, Essinger moved the school and with their parents' permission, the school's 66 Jewish pupils to safety in England.GeographyGeographical locationBlaustein is west from Ulm, nestled between Hochsträß, Blautal Lautertal and the plateau of the Swabian Jura. The town lies at an altitude of 490-690 meters. The rivers Blau and Lauter - which arises in Blaustein (Lautern) - flow through the city.Neighboring communitiesBlaustein is bordered on the northeast by Dornstadt, on the southeast by the town of Ulm, on the west by the town of Blaubeuren and on the northwest by Berghülen.

Adresse: Blaustein
Stadt: Herrlingen

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