
Bomlitz Kontakt Informationen


Bomlitz is a municipality in the Heidekreis district, in Lower Saxony, Germany.GeographyLocationBomlitz lies on the Lüneburg Heath in a heavily wooded area. The two rivers, Bomlitz and Warnau run through the municipality.ParishesThe municipality of Bomlitz comprises eight parishes: Ahrsen, Benefeld, Bomlitz (Kernort), Bommelsen, Borg, Jarlingen, Kroge and Uetzingen.HistoryIn the fall of 1944, a short-lived satellite camp of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp operated at Bomlitz-Benefeld. Guarded by SS staff, around 600 women were forced to work at the Eibia GmbH gunpowder works.PoliticsMunicipal councilThe municipal council of Bomlitz consists of 20 councillors and the mayor who is from the SPD party. CDU 8 seats SPD 12 seats Mayor: Michael Lebid

Adresse: 29699 Bomlitz
Stadt: Bomlitz
Postleitzahl: 29699

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