
Börgerende-Rethwisch Kontakt Informationen


Börgerende-Rethwisch is a municipality in the Rostock district, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.GeographyThe municipality runs from the Baltic Sea coast for almost 5 km southeast into the interior. Within its territory is the Conventer See, an old bay whose outlet to the Baltic has silted up turning it into a lake. The lake is a nature reserve which is known for its variety of waders and water fowl. To the west of Börgerende is Germany's oldest seaside resort, Heiligendamm.As well as Börgerende and Rethwisch, the villages of Bahrenhorst and Neu Rethwisch are also part of the municipality.HistoryThe village of Rethwisch was first documented in 1297. In 1299, a clergyman from Doberan Abbey was installed in Rabenhorst. In the war damage assessment of 1312 of the damage caused by the conflict between Rostock's townsfolk under Nicholas and the troops of Henry the Lion an administrator (magister curie) of Doberan Abbey, a cemetery and a sexton were mentioned in connexion with the place. In addition to the administrator, there were at that time about twenty households in the village, all of which had German names. In 1353 comes the first record of a capella Redwisch (Rethwisch Chapel) and, one year later a ecclesia Redewisch (Rethwisch Church). Reference is made to the fact that the church was previously located in Rabenhorst, but had moved its seat to Rethwisch. After the Reformation the abbey's estate was transferred in 1552 to the Domanialverband (territorial union) of the local lords.

Adresse: 18211 Börgerende-Rethwisch
Stadt: Börgerende-Rethwisch
Postleitzahl: 18211

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