
Börtlingen Kontakt Informationen


Börtlingen is a municipality in the district of Göppingen in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany.Image:GeographyBörtlingen belongs to the marginal zone of the metropolitan region of StuttgartGeographical locationBörtlingen is located in the Schurwald in 334-498 meters above sea level, in a straight line about 6 km north of the county town Göppingen.Municipality arrangementTo Börtlingen belongs the village Börtlingen, the two Weiler Breech and Zell, the courts Ödweiler and Schweizerhof and the house Schneiderhof and the proofs of former village Oedweiler.Population developmentThe development between 1837 and 2010.Source: Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg StuttgartEconomy and InfrastructureTransportationBörtlingen is accessible via the B 297 and the county road K 1408 from Lorch and Göppingen. Local roads lead to Zachersmühle and Oberwälden and about the Kaisersträßle to Adelberg and Oberberken. There is also a bus service to and from Göppingen. In earlier times Börtlingen was connected to the rail network by the former Hohenstaufenbahn (Schwäbisch Gmünd - Göppingen). The station Adelberg-Börtlingen however was located 3.5 km from the town center.EducationWith Paul Roth-school Börtlingen has its own primary school, there is also a Protestant kindergarten. Schools can be reached in Rechberghausen and Göppingen.BuildingsLocated in the upper part of Börtlingen is the St. John's Church, which was inaugurated in 1202. The original late Gothic building of the present church was built in 1500 and was later in the 18th century probably modeled in Baroque style.

Adresse: 73104 Börtlingen
Stadt: Börtlingen
Postleitzahl: 73104

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