
Buchbrunn Kontakt Informationen


Buchbrunn is a municipality in the district of Kitzingen, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany. It's placed in the Bayrische Planungsregion 2.HistorySeveral archaeological troves in the boundary of Buchbrunn show that the village which is documented for the first time in 1244 has been a settling area from time immemorial. Among the miscellaneous feudal lords during the 13th and 14th century occur the Lords of Buchbrunn and the Benedictine Sisters' abbey of Kitzingen. Later the Margraves of Ansbach and the Counts of Schwarzenberg possessed important rights on the spot that became Bavarian in 1814. The coat of arms featuring a beech tree (Buche in German) and a well (Brunnen) is based on an old seal of the village court from the 17th century. Today one is even confronted with this symbol for Buchbrunn on the village square, where a beech has been planted alongside the old well. Since 1978 the village is part of the Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Kitzingen and has about 1.000 residents.ChurchesLutheranIn ab. 1470/80 a new church was built using the romanesque spire of the predecessor chapel. In 1683 the nave was extended and the spire was heightened. Inside one can find an altar crucifix from ab. 1480, a well worked baptismal font furnished with the benefactor's coat of arms and a painting influenced by Lucas Cranach the Elder and Younger which shows a last supper administered by Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon.

Adresse: 97320 Buchbrunn
Stadt: Buchbrunn
Postleitzahl: 97320

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