
Candidapatient Kontakt Informationen




"We offer the most effective nutritional advice that you can find on the market in the Candida area, precisely because we have experienced the disease on our own bodies and painfully know exactly what we are talking about. We sell the most effective natural antifungicides and the best immune stimulating products currently available in our netshop.The products have been specially developed for hypersensitive patients, such as Candida patients. We also have a complete range of foods for Candida patients in our netshop. The highest quality foods and foods that ensure you will not suffer from nutritional deficiencies."
Adresse: Langberger Weg 14, 24941 Flensburg-Mürwik, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Telefonnummer: +4932221097335
Stadt: Flensburg-Mürwik
Postleitzahl: 24941

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