Dînette team serves you classic and modern easy going french cuisine. Lunch, Brunch, Dinner, Catering, Event organizer.
Monday to Friday 11.30am to 4pm (kitchen closes at 3pm)
Saturday DINNER from 18.30 till 1am
Sunday BRUNCHETTE from 10.30am till 4pm
Dînette Catering aka Annlyse and Elisabeth: bringing you homemade, delicious food just the way you like it!
With heart and soul Dînette Catering brings life and spice into its food. Whether for rockstars, models, business folk, weddings, birthdays or just for fun, this catering is "catered" to please stomach and soul.
Choose and discuss your personal favorite dishes, be inspired by colloquial french cuisine, asian fusion or simply what mom cooks best or go crazy and have it all!
Contact us now for catering price quotes, inspiration and a heart-to-heart chat about food.
for catering request :
Dînette Catering
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Annlyse Lethinois
Elisabeth Tran
Alexander Licikas
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