
Deizisau Kontakt Informationen


Bold textDeizisau is a town in the district of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. It belongs to the Stuttgart Region (until 1992 Region Mittlerer Neckar) and the Stuttgart Metropolitan Region. Deizisau is located between the towns of Plochingen and Esslingen am Neckar, about 20 kilometers southeast of Stuttgart, the capital of Baden-Württemberg. The river Neckar flows through this town.GeographyGeographical situationDeizisau is located on the left hillside of the Neckar-valley shortly after the "Neckarknie" in Plochingen where the river changes direction from northeast to westnorth. At the western border of Deizisau the Körsch flows into the Neckar, in the east a part of the Plochinger Kopf above the river knee lies inside the boundary.Town outlineNo other villages except for the small town Deizisau belong to the Deizisau municipality. Inside the boundary of the municipality lies the abandoned village Kersch.Neighbouring TownsAdjoining municipalities are in the north Altbach, in the northeast Plochingen, in the southeast Wernau, in the south Köngen, in the southwest Denkendorf and in the northwest Esslingen am Neckar.

Adresse: 73779 Deizisau
Stadt: Deizisau
Postleitzahl: 73779

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