Travelers Guide and Tours
Destinos from one coast of a world to the other and everything in between. Check for updates on destinations and travel information. The latest on things to see and do.
We've been working for years as a Nature Tour Company and also a Tour Leader Company around the world. All our duties have been working with groups of people at a time, acting as their leader and tour company while travelling throughout different places. Our role as a Tour Company and Leaders has been to guide groups of people around various places and to explain to them aspects of environmental problems and the natural history of mammals , plants , and birds, ecology.
We also educate people in sustainable tourism and the roles of National Parks in protection of the flora and fauna. On a regular basis, we point out the differences between Rainforests, Dry Forests , Cloud Forests and the different cultures of the areas we visit. we spent quite a bit of time trying to help people learn more about things they are interested in such as Ornithology.
Often times we had bird watchers on our trips and would go into great detail about the migrations , diet , and natural history of birds that we would see. Not all of our job involves education people about the nature around them. We have acquired many skills in the tourism industry that could be useful in similar people expectations anywhere in the world.
Destinos also include educating people about the diversity of the Countries and completing clerical duties required to organize a large tourist group. Our interest and previous work in tourism and education demonstrates our desire to teach and motivate others to learn as well. we are reliable, hardworking and we feel we would be an asset to any organization who shares our passion people and nature.
We are a costa rican company located in Bretten Germany
Mit demselben Guide ganz Costa Rica erleben, von einer Küste bis zur Anderen…
Egal was Ihr in Costa Rica sehen oder erleben wollt, wir helfen Euch Euren Traum zu verwirklichen. Wir organisieren alles für Euch: Unterkünfte, Transport, Aktivitäten… Während Ihr Euch einfach zurück lehnen und genießen könnt. Besonders erfahren sind wir wenn es um Erlebnis- und Wildnis-Trips geht.
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