
Diez Kontakt Informationen


Diez an der Lahn is a picturesque small historically significant town in Germany's Rhein-Lahn district in Rhineland-Palatinate, on the borders of Hesse. Diez is the administrative seat of the municipality of Diez.Sitting on the confluence of the Lahn and Aar rivers, the town and the area have been inhabited by humans since the Stone Age. The old town is dominated by an eleventh century castle, now a youth hostel and museum. It is the ancestral home of the House of Nassau-Dietz, which in 1815 became the Dutch Royal Family.GeographyGeographical LocationThe center of Diez is located four miles southwest of Limburg an der Lahn and 31 miles east of Koblenz. Diez, which is in Rheinland-Pfalz and the adjoining city of Limburg in the state of Hessen are so close that in modern times they have increasingly merged into a single urban area, although they remain historically and politically distinct. The low rolling hills around Diez form part of the Rhenish Slate Mountains. The Lahn Valley serves as the boundary between the highlands north of the Westerwald with the forest of Taunus rising to the south. This valley, the Diezer gate begins in the Limburg Lahn basin and rises towards Fachingen in the Lower Lahntal. The city of Diez itself lies at the confluence of the Aar and the Lahn.

Adresse: 65582 Diez
Stadt: Diez
Postleitzahl: 65582

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