DMEXCO 2019: September 11 & 12 at Koelnmesse, Cologne
DMEXCO is the meeting place for key players in the digital business, marketing and innovation.
dmexco is the global business and innovation platform of the digital economy. As a unique combination of a trade fair and a conference, dmexco stands for innovative and forward-looking developments and trends at the center of a new digital economy: the digiconomy. With its focus on marketing, media, advertising, technology, and the Internet of Things, dmexco is the global platform for effective knowledge transfer and direct business transactions. In varied formats, it offers the largest selection of current economic trends, growth strategies, product innovations, and creative diversity. As a result, dmexco is the central showcase in the digital age for all forward-looking brand innovators and opinion leaders, advertising executives, marketing specialists, and startups, as well as all agency segments and media companies.
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