
Donaueschingen Kontakt Informationen


Donaueschingen is a German town in the Black Forest in the southwest of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in the Schwarzwald-Baar Kreis. It stands near the confluence of the two sources of the river Danube (in Donau; the town's name is an eponym).Donaueschingen stands in a basin within low mountainous terrain. It is located about 13km south of Villingen-Schwenningen, 24km west of Tuttlingen, and about 30km north of the Swiss town of Schaffhausen. In 2003, the population was 21,300 making it the second largest town in the district (Kreis) of Schwarzwald-Baar. The location of the town is favourable for its role as a regional rail hub.GeographyDonaueschingen lies in the Baar basin in the southern Black Forest at the confluence of the Brigach and Breg rivers— the two source tributaries of the Danube— from which the town gets its name. This is today considered the true source of the Danube.An enclosed karst spring on the castle grounds, the source of the "Donaubach", is known as the source of the Danube.

Adresse: 78151–78168 Donaueschingen
Stadt: Donaueschingen
Postleitzahl: 78151–78168

Ähnliche Firmen der Nähe
donaueschingen.de donaueschingen.de 169 meter Fürstenpracht und Donauquelle. Für Impressum bitte klicken.
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