
EGO Blanc und Fischer & Co GmbH Kontakt Informationen

EGO Blanc und Fischer & Co GmbH


E.G.O. is an international high-tech company and one of the leading global manufacturers of domestic appliance technology.


For Imprint please go to "Imprint".
E.G.O. is an international high-tech company and one of the leading global manufacturers of domestic appliance technology, components and products. Other industries, ranging from medical technology through building services to automotive technology, benefit from our pioneering spirit, our experience and our expertise. Ever since the company was founded in 1931 we have been inventing sophisticated technology that makes people's day-to-day lives easier. Carrying on this tradition is what drives us on each and every day. Welcome to E.G.O.!
Further information is available on our global website at http://www.egoproducts.com/en/press/press-material/

Imprint :

E.G.O. Blanc und Fischer & Co. GmbH
Rote-Tor-Strasse 14
75038 Oberderdingen
Telephone +49 7045 45 - 0
Telefax +49 7045 45 - 67 870
E-Mail: info.germany(at)egoproducts.com

Commercial register: Mannheim HRB 240 477

General Manager:
Dr. Johannes Haupt (Chairman)
Dr. Karlheinz Hörsting
Benno Rudolf

Adresse: Rote-Tor-Straße 14, 75038 Oberderdingen
Telefonnummer: +49 7045 45 - 0
Stadt: Oberderdingen
Postleitzahl: 75038


Montag: 08:00 - 17:00
Dienstag: 08:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch: 08:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag: 08:00 - 17:00
Freitag: 08:00 - 17:00

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