
Eibelstadt Kontakt Informationen


Eibelstadt is a town in the district of Würzburg, in Bavaria, Germany.GeographyEibelstadt is situated among vineyards on the right bank of the Main, 10 km southeast of Würzburg.HistoryThe city was founded in 787 in the time of Charles the Great. In 1434 German Emperor Sigismund bestowed municipal rights after the civilians had supported his war against the Hussites. In the course of an administrative reform in Bavaria today's municipality was built in 1818.Population dynamics 1970: 2.023 1987: 2.279 2000: 2.838 2005: 2.886 2010: 2.813 2015: 3.022PoliticsHeinz Koch has been the mayor of Eibelstadt 1990-2014. Since 2014 Markus Schenk is the mayor.City councilThe 14 seats of the city council are distributed among the parties as follows: CSU 7 seatsSPD 5 seatsAlliance 90/The Greens 2 seats(as of March 2014)Coat of armsThe coat of arms consists of a half of a black lion with a golden crown. He grasps a rounded grape-vine with leaves and blue grapes in his pawns.Sights and cultureSightscompletely preserved city wall city square with a golden Marian columnbaroque building which used to be the location of the "Würzburger Domkapitels"Church St. NikolausMuseumsMuseum of local historyCity archive

Adresse: 97246 Eibelstadt
Stadt: Eibelstadt
Postleitzahl: 97246

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