
Elsfleth Kontakt Informationen


Elsfleth is a town in the district of Wesermarsch, Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated at the confluence of the Hunte with the Weser, on the left bank of the Weser, on the railway Hude-Nordenham. It has an Evangelical church, a school of navigation (university of applied sciences), a harbour and docks.Elsfleth offers many recreational facilities even though it is a small town,. It is an ideal place for families that want to escape big cities and like outdoor activities that are not only limited to tennis and biking. A nearby beach area and sailing club "SWE" contribute to Elsfleth's maritime character. So does the tall ship club "Großherzogin Elisabeth" amicably called "Lissi". Nearby larger cities are Brake, Nordenham, Oldenburg, and Bremen.Sons and daughters of the city Friedrich Bolte, Director of the Hamburg Navigation School Karl Schröder, tax consultant and politician Erich Zander, jurist, politician Horst Karsten, versatility rider, Olympic medal winnerConnected to Elsfleth Anthony Günther, Count of Oldenburg (1583-1667) introduced the Elsfleth Weser toll Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1771-1815); Wilhelm von Freeden (1822-1894), mathematician, natural scientist, oceanographer Heinrich Emil Timerding (1873-1945), mathematician, was professor at the sea school in Elsfleth around 1900 Bernhard Müller (1887-1970), politician (SPD), lived in Elsfleth

Adresse: 26931 Elsfleth
Stadt: Elsfleth
Postleitzahl: 26931

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