
Entringen Kontakt Informationen


Entringen is one part and the administrative seat of the municipality Ammerbuch in the district of Tübingen in the state of Baden-Württemberg (Germany).GeographyEntringen is on the western edge of the Schönbuch in 360 to 545 meters height. The cities Tübingen and Herrenberg are each about six miles away and accessible quickly by the B 28 or Ammertalbahn. Saint Michael's Evangelical Church dominates the town center with its striking green tower. Hohenentringen Castle overlooks the town from a hill to the east of the town center.HistoryThe earliest findings in Entringen are Alamanni graves from the 5th century. The grave of a well-equipped warrior was found in the 1930s in the area of today's Bahnhofstraße/Zeppelinstraße, and points to an Alemannic settlement dating to the 5th century. In 1999, a horse grave was found near the warrior's grave site, and is thought to be the horse belonging to the warrior. Entringen developed over the centuries by the Alemannic settlement to a predominantly agricultural, Württemberg village. The name Antringen first appeared in 1075 in conjunction with the Lord Adalbertus de Antringen on the charter of the Hirsau abbey. In the year 1284, Hohenentringen is mentioned for the first time. In 1296, the Bebenhausen Abbey acquires the Entringer Fronhof. Construction of the present St. Michael's Church began in 1452.

Adresse: 72119 Entringen
Stadt: Entringen
Postleitzahl: 72119

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