
ESB Business School Kontakt Informationen

ESB Business School


Truly international. The official page of the ESB Business School


For more than 40 years, the degree programmes at ESB Business School at Reutlingen University have given students real international experience and a sound knowledge of the principles and practice of international management. Since June 2008, all 20 programmes of study at Reutlingen University in the fields of business studies and operations management have been united in one of the leading state Business Schools in Germany.

*Regular top positions in university league tables* (e.g. by the German magazines Handelsblatt/Wirtschaftswoche/Junge Karriere from 2008 to 2013, CHE Ranking 2011), international double degree programmes, study abroad semesters, work experience semesters and graduation theses in cooperation with industry, our own career center, professors with many years of management experience, cooperation with leading companies (who are members of V.I.M.A., our network of supporting businesses), more than 120 international universities in our international partnership network, a research institute, and an active alumni network; all these provide the framework for a business school of outstanding quality.

Workshops, case studies, management simulations, seminars and two company contact fairs on campus every year, guest lectures by successful working managers, visits to top companies, and an active alumni network with more than 3,300 members – all of these ensure that our study programmes stay in close touch with the real world of business. As well as English as the obligatory foreign language, students may also take classes in other languages. The teachers are all native speakers of the languages taught. A wide range of “soft skills” seminars, in subjects such as rhetorics, presentation techniques, ethics, and intercultural competence are also an important part of the programme.

Many classes are taught in small, multinational groups, ensuring close contact between professors and students. We encourage and welcome active participation and initiative by students on a range of interesting projects, working together in international groups to improve team-working skills and intercultural competence.

“Join the ESB-Spirit” is not an empty phrase, but reflects the real day-to-day experience of students, staff, and professors working together as one unit.

Redakteure: Stefanie Giebert, Katrin Molnar, Nina Fritsch, Eleftheria Kapourani

"'Hola!' 'Ni hao!' 'How are you doing?' Walking across the Reutlingen campus, you can meet the whole world. Young people from nearly 80 countries study at the ESB Business School. It is part of the state-administered Reutlingen University and has the AACSB seal of approval. Its portfolio includes bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in International Business and in Industrial Engineering as well as full-time and part-time MBAs. With international double degrees and fully English-language degree programmes, ESB has a consistently international orientation."
Adresse: Alteburgstr. 150, 72762 Reutlingen
Stadt: Reutlingen
Postleitzahl: 72762

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Eine der besten Business Schools in Deutschland!!!
Leider ist von der Verwaltung niemand zu erreichen. Emails werden in Wochenfrist beantwortet. Mal sehen wie der Semesterstart abgeht.
Übersetzt von Google Dies ist eines der besten MBA-Programme in Deutschland und wahrscheinlich in der Welt für viele Aspekte, wie z. B., es ist eine öffentliche Schule, es hat großartige globale Akkreditierungen und bietet seinen Studenten das höchste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, außerdem ist dies nur ein Jahr Programm. Auch bei den Einheimischen ist sie die beliebteste Business School Deutschlands. Deutschland hat gute öffentliche Schulmöglichkeiten, die eine qualitativ hochwertige kaufmännische Ausbildung ohne oder mit geringen Gebühren anbieten. Aus diesem Grund erscheint ein privates Wirtschaftsprogramm aus Deutschland oder Großbritannien / den USA relativ weniger attraktiv. Original This is one of the best MBA program in Germany and probably in the World for many aspects like, it's a Public school, it has great global accreditations, and provides the highest value for money to its students, plus this is just a 1-year program. It is also the most popular business school in Germany among the local people. Germany has good public school options providing high quality business educations for no or low fee, That is why any Private business program from Germany or UK/US for that matter appears relatively less attractive.
Übersetzt von Google Definitiv die beste Universität des Landes. Was kann ich sagen? Ich bin um die ganze Welt gereist, um hier zur Schule zu gehen. Alles hier ist kompromisslose Qualität in Richtung Bildung. Schöner, moderner Campus mit campusweitem stabilem Internet. Alle dazwischen mit Parks, ruhig abgehefteten Bänken und Tischen Die Unterrichtsräume sind alle hochmodern, genau wie die dort angewandten Lehrmethoden. Ich könnte mir ehrlich gesagt keine bessere Lernumgebung vorstellen, wenn ich mich STARK anstrengen würde. Original Definitely the best University in the country. What can I say? I travelled all the way across the world to go to school here. Every single thing here is uncompromising quality toward education. Beautiful, modern campus with campus-wide steady internet. All interspaced with parks, quietly tacked-away benches and tables The classrooms are all ultra-modern, just like the teaching methods employed there. I honestly couldn't think of a better learning environment if I tried HARD.
Übersetzt von Google Verschwenden Sie hier nicht Ihr Leben und lassen Sie sich nicht von den Marketinglügen der Schule täuschen. Der Bachelor-Studiengang International Business IB ist so generisch, dass Sie sich in nichts spezialisieren. Studieren Sie stattdessen besser Hauptfächer, die Ihnen mehr technische Kenntnisse wie Buchhaltung oder Datenanalyse vermitteln. Diese Schule ist für reiche Kinder, die das Geschäft ihres Vaters übernehmen sollen. Wenn du etwas lernen und einen Job bekommen willst, vergiss es hier. Original Don't waste your life here and don't be fooled by the marketing lies of the school. The bachelor degree International Business IB is so generic that makes you specialist in nothing. You better study majors that give you more technical knowledge like accounting or data analysis instead. This school is for rich kids who are supposed to take over their dad's business. If your wanna learn something and get a job, forget about here.
Übersetzt von Google Wenn Sie eine tolle Zeit haben und tolle Leute aus der ganzen Welt treffen möchten, treten Sie der ESB bei. Ich würde es jederzeit wieder tun ohne nachzudenken. Original If you want to have a great time and meet amazing people from all over the world, join ESB. I would do it again every time without second thoughts.
Übersetzt von Google Absolut empfehlenswertes Studium. Habe den Doppelabschluss mit Spanien gemacht, interessante Leute kennengelernt und eine tolle Ausbildung erhalten. Original Highly recommendable degree. Did the double-degree with Spain, met interesting people and received great education.
Übersetzt von Google Top Wirtschaftsschule. Sehr empfehlenswert. Original Top business school. Highly recommend.
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