
Frankonia Group Kontakt Informationen

Frankonia Group


The Frankonia Group is an international solution provider for turnkey EMC laboratories (anechoic chambers & test systems).


The FRANKONIA GROUP is a leading global provider of products, systems and solutions that contribute to quality, technology and cost efficiency within the EMC laboratories, biosafety laboratories, protective rooms, and constructional systems. The group operates in different industries and markets around the globe within three business areas:
• FRANKONIA EMC focuses on fully equipped testing laboratories for the electronic and automotive industry.
• FRANKONIA Laboratories provides products and solutions for biosafety and pharmacy laboratories, as well as protective rooms.
• FRANKONIA Systems is specialized in high-class solutions and products in manufacturing and constructions.

The FRANKONIA GROUP has been founded in 1987 as a solution provider for EMC laboratories that meets the increasing demand for high-specialised testing environments for the electronic and automotive industry. FRANKONIA stands for:
• Customised solutions
• Highest quality
• Latest technology
• Reliability
With now more than 25 years of experience, FRANKONIA maintain its leading position for EMC solutions worldwide. Without limitations in capabilities and resources, FRANKONIA develops future-oriented concepts for EMC laboratories, high-security laboratories and protected rooms, and systems, which guarantee an optimal use of resources as well as best possible customized solutions.

Herewith, FRANKONIA offers a wide range of expertise and innovation in:
• Consulting
• Project Management
• Production
• Equipment
• Installation & Service
• Solutions

FRANKONIA shows global presence in cooperation with a well-structured network of productions, representations and service units.
• FRANKONIA strives to be the preferred partner for customized and state-of-the-art solutions.
• FRANKONIA provides fundamental knowledge to operate as a complete solution provider.
• FRANKONIA implements innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency, and to improve the outcomes and quality along with customers’ needs.

Transforming our customers’ demands, the most effective effort is a combination of knowledge within these high-technological industries. The fact that FRANKONIA is able to offer complete solutions that start from the first sketch to the final handover makes FRANKONIA worldwide unique and a trustful partner. We are proud of our highly specialized team that is putting our customers’ demands into practice. It is our philosophy to improve the products, to realize new ideas, and to complete our product range within our broad scope of business.

The unique and trustworthy partner for EMC solutions worldwide.

"Die Frankonia EMC Test-Systems GmbH wurde 1992 vom Gesellschafter und Geschäftsführer Peter Weidner gegründet. Unser Ziel ist es seit Anfang an, Kunden bei allen Fragen rund um die EMV zu unterstützen und das notwendige EMV-Testequipment anzubieten.Frankonia bietet von Schirmkabinen, Absorberkabinen und Antennenmesskammern, bis hin zu kompletten Prüfsystemen und schlüsselfertigen Prüflaboren alle Bausteine an.Um eine kompetente Projektierung und Installation von EMV-Prüfsystemen zu gewährleisten, sind qualifizierte Ingenieure im Einsatz, die mit nahezu allen Details der EMV-Normen und -Vorschriften vertraut sind."
Telefonnummer: +4991779820
Stadt: Heideck


Montag: 08:00 - 17:30
Dienstag: 08:00 - 17:30
Mittwoch: 08:00 - 17:30
Donnerstag: 08:00 - 17:30
Freitag: 08:00 - 13:30

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