
Frau Dr. med. Annette Hitzschke Kontakt Informationen

Adresse: Bergstraße 6, 90607 Rückersdorf, Deutschland
Telefonnummer: 0911 5405920
Zustand: Bayern
Postleitzahl: 90607

Friendly doctor... But i am not satisfied to the way she handled. I am rarely sick and this time i have Cough for one week and had difficulty to sleep in the evening.. In my experience, the doctor not only going to check me with stethoscope but also check my tonsil and throat. But somehow she just check my lung with her stethoscope and then that's all. She is not even asking whether i had fever or have any other sympthoms. I am trying to figure out if it is because i just change from private insurance to the social private insurance?
vor 7 jahren (05-02-2018)
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