
GFA Consulting Group GmbH Kontakt Informationen

GFA Consulting Group GmbH


GFA Consulting Group is one of the leading European consulting firms active in the development cooperation sector.


GFA Consulting Group - creating opportunities

Based in Hamburg, GFA Consulting Group is a global player with numerous subsidiaries and partner companies worldwide. This international presence is not only beneficial to clients but also serves as an incentive to GFA staff.

Clients and financial institutions hold the competence and expertise of GFA Consulting Group in high esteem. This recognition is founded on the company's success in providing consultancy and support services to institutions and organizations engaged in improving people’s lives and contributing to a boost in employment opportunities and economic growth.

GFA consultancy services combine competence at the sector and management level with the application of innovative approaches for project planning and implementation, human resource development and financing. GFA Consulting Group has a large pool of highly qualified, multi-talented and interdisciplinary experts at its disposal whom it can rely on in all phases of project preparation, implementation and evaluation.

GFA has been growing steadily since it was founded in 1982. The company has implemented more than 4,000 studies and projects in over 130 countries. At the same time, the range of services has been extended continuously. For example, IT solutions and services such as quality management and the implementation of corporate responsibility strategies to private-sector clients have been added. The GFA Group also invests in complementary services such as engineering and IT consulting.

GFA has successfully served hundreds of institutional clients by helping them implement projects financed by bilateral and multi-lateral donors. Project volumes with clients such as Swiss and Austrian Development Cooperation, Millennium Challenge Coporation, The Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, multi-lateral development banks etc. are of growing importance. GFA’s expertise has been significantly enhanced through the continuuous cooperation with various German ministries as well as GIZ and KfW as implementing organizations that finance and promote development programs.


GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Eulenkrugstraße 82
22359 Hamburg
Phone +49 40 603 06 100
Fax +49 40 603 06 199
E-mail info@gfa-group.de
Internet www.gfa-group.de

Please find our complete imprint on:
Please find our complete data privacy & public procedure register on:
German: http://www.gfa-group.de/content/Datenschutzerklaerung_3886204.html
English: http://www.gfa-group.de/content/DATA_PRIVACY_3834791.html

Adresse: Eulenkrugstraße 82, 22359 Hamburg
Telefonnummer: +49 40 60306100
Stadt: Hamburg
Postleitzahl: 22359


Montag: 09:00 - 18:00
Dienstag: 09:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch: 09:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag: 09:00 - 18:00
Freitag: 09:00 - 18:00

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