
Großalmerode Kontakt Informationen


Großalmerode is a town in the Werra-Meißner-Kreis in Hesse, Germany.GeographyLocationThe small town, which has had town rights since 1775, lies 21 km east of Kassel in the Meißner-Kaufunger Wald Nature Park on the river Gelster. Here the constituent community of Laudenbach can also be found, in the Kaufunger Wald (range) between the Steinberg or Bilstein in the northwest and the Hirschberg in the southwest. Not far to the southeast stands the highest mountain in northeast Hesse, the Hoher Meißner.Neighbouring communitiesThese are Witzenhausen, Hessisch Lichtenau, Helsa, Bad Sooden-Allendorf and Berkatal.Constituent communitiesGroßalmerode’s Teilorte are Weißenbach, Trubenhausen, Uengsterode, Rommerode, Laudenbach and Epterode. Also within town limits are Bransrode, Gut Giesenhagen and Faulbach, although these are not outlying centres, but rather officially parts of the main town.HistoryIn 1386, today’s Großalmerode had its first documentary mention as Almerode. Town rights, though, only came in 1775.Ceramics manufacture in mediaeval Großalmerode was very advanced. The products were exported worldwide for their high resistance to heat (1 100 to 1 200 °C).

Adresse: 37247 Großalmerode
Stadt: Großalmerode
Postleitzahl: 37247

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