
Gründau Kontakt Informationen


Gründau is a municipality in the district Main-Kinzig, in Hessen, Germany.GeographyNeighbouring placesGründau is located near Gelnhausen and Büdingen. Frankfurt am Main, the largest city in Hessen, is located in a distance of about 50 km.Division of the municipalityGründau is a municipality that consists of seven villages, with a population of 14,670 in total (population as of June 2009) Lieblos (3,727, population as of June 2008) Rothenbergen (3,797, population as of June 2008) Niedergründau (1,785, population as of June 2008) Mittel-Gründau (2,103, population as of June 2008) Hain-Gründau (1,746, population as of June 2008) Breitenborn (1,144; population as of June 2008) Gettenbach (430, population as of June 2008)HistoryMost of the villages are mentioned in church registers since 11th century.Religious affiliation54.1% Protestants, 18.9% Catholics, 27% other faithsTwin towns Laussonne, Département Haute-Loire (43), Auvergne, France Neugersdorf, Saxony (Sachsen), Germany

Adresse: Gründau
Stadt: Grundau

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