
Haldensleben Kontakt Informationen


Haldensleben is a town in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It is the administrative seat of the Börde district.GeographyIt is situated on the Ohre river, near the confluence with its Beber tributary, and the parallel Mittelland Canal, running from the fertile Magdeburg Börde basin to the Elbe river in the east. The town centre is located approx. 30km northwest from Magdeburg. It is connected by railway to the neighbouring towns of Magdeburg, Oebisfelde and Eilsleben.The municipal area includes the village of Süplingen, incorporated in 2014.HistoryThe Saxon fortress of hahaldeslevo in Eastphalia was first mentioned in a 966 deed of donation issued by Emperor Otto I. The Counts of Haldensleben rose to considerable power, most notably Dietrich and William, who ruled as margraves of the Northern March. Soonafter a trading place (Neuhaldensleben) arose nearby, which was vested with market rights about 1150. Besieged and devastetd by the forces of Archbishop Wichmann in 1181, the Haldensleben estates belonged to the Prince-Archbishopric of Magdeburg from 1215.

Adresse: 39340 Haldensleben
Stadt: Haldensleben
Postleitzahl: 39340

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Stadt Haldensleben Stadt Haldensleben 996 meter Infomationen der Stadtverwaltung Haldensleben
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