The Hasso Plattner Institute , shortly HPI, is a German information technology university college, affiliated to the University of Potsdam and is located in Potsdam near Berlin. Teaching and Research of HPI is focused on "IT-Systems Engineering". HPI was founded in 1998 and is the first, and still the only entirely privately funded university college in Germany. It is financed entirely through private funds donated by its founder, Prof. Dr. h.c. Hasso Plattner, who co-founded the largest European software company SAP SE, and is currently the chairman of SAP's supervisory board. President and CEO of HPI is Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel.HistoryThe HPI was founded in 1998 as a public-private partnership. The private partner is the "Hasso Plattner Foundation for Software Systems Engineering", which is the administrative body responsible for the HPI and its only corporate member. The foundation’s legal status is that of a GmbH, a limited-liability company according to German law. As the public part of the partnership, the Bundesland Brandenburg provided the estate where several multi-storey buildings were built to form a nice campus. Hasso Plattner declared to provide at least 200 million Euros for the HPI within the first 20 years. He is also actively involved as a lecturer and head of the chair on Enterprise Platforms, where the in-memory technology was developed. In 2004 he received his honorary professorship from the University of Potsdam.
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