
Hausach Kontakt Informationen


Hausach is a town in the Ortenaukreis, in western Baden-Württemberg, Germany, first mentioned in 1259. The ruin of Husen Castle built around 1220 towering above the town is a landmark and part of Hausachs slogan "Stadt unter der Burg" (Town under the castle).GeographyHausach is located in the Kinzig river valley, approximately 32 km east of the river Rhine between Offenburg and Wolfach. The river Kinzig starts in the Black Forest near Loßburg and meets the Rhine near Kehl just opposite of Strasbourg.PoliticsThe town council has 18 seats. The last election on May 25th 2014 gave the Freie Wähler as well as the CDU 6 of them. The SPD took 4 seats, and the Grüne 2.Coat of ArmsHausach's coat of arms displays the red framework of a gable roof on silver ground.International relationsHausach is twinned with: Arbois, France

Adresse: 77756 Hausach
Stadt: Hausach
Postleitzahl: 77756

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