
Hausham Kontakt Informationen


Hausham is a municipality in the district of Miesbach in Bavaria in Germany.Geographygeographical classificationHausham is located approximately 45 km south of Munich, between Miesbach and Schliersee. It is surrounded to the south by mountains, including Huberspitz (1.052 m) and Neureuth (1.261 m).DistrictsHausham's 13 districts are:Twin townsSince 1959 Levico Terme in ItalySince 1990 Seiersberg in AustriaHistoryHausham was created from the town of Agatharied on 27 April 1922. This was due to Hausham's growth through coal mining.The first brown coal mine was opened in 1860 but couldn't compete with the cheaper fossil oil and mineral coal and closed 106 years later in 1966.TransportationPublic transportationHausham is located on a direct railway line to Munich and has two stations: (Hausham and Agatharied). The line is operated by the private railway Bayerische Oberlandbahn. In addition to rail links, the Hausham area is served by the RVO local bus service.Famous people in HaushamBenjamin Lauth, footballer for 1860 MünchenMarcus H. Rosenmüller, film directorJosef Stallhofer, artist painterJosef Wurmheller, German fighter ace during WW2

Adresse: 83734 Hausham
Stadt: Hausham
Postleitzahl: 83734

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