
Heiden Kontakt Informationen


Heiden is a municipality in the district of Borken in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located approximately 5 km east of Borken.Its most important symbol are the devil stones.GeographyLocationHeiden is located in the west of the Westphalian Lowland near to the changeover to the Ruhr area in the south. In the north of Heiden are The Mountains (Die Berge). Heiden is surrounded by many woods.Neighbouring placesIn the north Heiden borders the city of Borken and the city of Velen, in the east borders the municipality of Reken. The southern border of Heiden to Dorsten is also the border to the district of Recklinghausen.DivisionOfficially, Heiden has no division. Nevertheless, there are hamlets outside the urban settlement of Heiden. On the one hand, there are the dispersed settlements of Leblich with its Hamlets Buschausen, Leblich and Heiden along the Railway Street in the south and on the other hand Nordick and Lammersfeld in the north.HistoryEarly historyIn one of Heidens forests you can find the devil stones as a stone age grave from 3500–2800 B.C. These are the first tracks of humans being in the area.

Adresse: 46359 Heiden
Stadt: Heiden
Postleitzahl: 46359

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