
Helmbrechts Kontakt Informationen


Helmbrechts is a town in the district of Hof, in Bavaria, Germany. It is situated on the Southern edge of the Frankenwald, 20 km southwest of Hof.The first documented mention of Helmbrechts dates back to 1232. Township was granted to Helmbrechts by Count Friedrich V. of Nürnberg in the year 1422. Helmbrechts has been in Bavarian rule since 1810. During World War II, Helmbrechts was the host of a sub-camp from Flossenbürg (see Helmbrechts concentration camp).GeographyThe city districtsWith the local government reorganization in 1972, the following villages were merged to Helmbrechts' district:Weavers‘ cottageKleinschwarzenbach is a small village belonging to Helmbrechts with a long tradition in weaving. One of the weavers‘ cottages of pre-industrial times could be visited.

Adresse: 95233 Helmbrechts
Stadt: Helmbrechts
Postleitzahl: 95233

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