
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Kontakt Informationen

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management


HHL is a state-accredited, private university located in Leipzig, Germany. Imprint: http://www.hhl.de/en/imprint/


The HHL offers international business education based on the highest academic standards.

HHL is one of the leading business schools in Europe. Founded in 1898, it is regarded as the cradle of management education in Germany. As a state-recognized university we have the right to award doctorates and post-doctoral lecture qualifications. Our accreditation by AACSB International underlines that we aim for highest quality. Our close dovetailing of theory and practice, our first-class support and infrastructure provide ideal conditions for study. And a degree from HHL opens the door to a successful career. Ultimately, however, our mission is to educate future top executives who will master the formidable management challenges of the 21st century, and who will do so not only effectively, but also responsibly.

Unsere Aufgabe

We educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurial-minded leaders.


HHL Imprint
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Jahnallee 59
04109 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 341 9851-60
Fax: +49 341 9851-679
E-mail: [email protected]

Executive management: Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner
Partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Leipzig (IHK), Association of Friends of HHL, HHL Foundation, founded as Kramer Foundation in 1887
Head of Supervisory Board: Dr. Tessen von Heydebreck

Legal name: Handelshochschule Leipzig gGmbH
Registry court: Local Court Leipzig
Registry number: HRB 7735
VAT identification number according to par. 27a Value Added Tax Act: DE 154003010

Responsible for the website's content as per par. 6 of Germany's Interstate Agreement of Media Services (MDStV): Professor Dr. Andreas Pinkwart

The HHL web pages are frequently updated and improved. New content will be added as it is available. Although we will attempt to keep information as correct and complete as possible, the accuracy of the information provided cannot be guaranteed. HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management assumes no responsibility for possible errors or omissions.

This website includes hyperlinks to third-party websites which feature non-HHL content. In no way do such links constitute an endorsement of third-party websites or their contents. Although we have examined third-party content to the best of its knowledge before linking them, we are not responsible for such content, nor do we have any control over it. Therefore HHL assumes no responsibility or liability of third-party content. The responsibility for linked websites and their contents rests solely with the publishers/operators of said websites.


The HHL study programs:

- Full-time Master Program in Management (M.Sc.)
- Part-time Master Program in Management (M.Sc.)
- Full-time Master Program in General Management (MBA)
- Part-time Master Program in General Management (MBA)
- Global Executive MBA Program of HHL and EADA
- Doctoral Program
- Executive Education

Adresse: Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig, Deutschland
Telefonnummer: 0341 985160
Zustand: Sachsen
Postleitzahl: 04109

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Inspirierende Vorträge in toller Atmosphäre. Absolut top!
vor 7 jahren (06-09-2017)
Ich hatte im Rahmen meiner Tätigkeit für das HPI in Potsdam die Gelegenheit, mit der HHL zusammenzuarbeiten und war begeistert von der Qualität der Studierenden und der offenen Zusammenarbeit mit der Leitung der HHL.
vor 8 jahren (15-03-2017)
Habe selbst von 1986-1990 an der Handelshochschule in Leipzig studiert und dort den Abschluss als Dipl. oec. gemacht. Damals war diese Einrichtung noch im "Merkurhaus". Diese Seite bei Google + ist allerdings für eine Handelshochschule "sehr schwach". MFG
vor 10 jahren (05-07-2015)
The HHL offers international business education based on the highest academic standards. Great place for your higher studies.
vor 8 jahren (24-07-2017)
It has been a life transforming experience studying at HHL. I like the international and entrepreneurial environment here, as well as the strong support provided by career service, alumni network and accelerator. For me as an international student, the entailing German course is very helpful for me to adapt to my life in this country. Besides, I enjoy my campus life a lot, all the TGIFs, parties, exciting student initiatives that allow students to fully employ creativity. Life is also cozy and affordable in Leipzig.
vor 8 jahren (28-03-2017)
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